The sole purpose of this page is to explore the fun side of generational AI
Today it's Flatty's PC, tomorrow it's the world
Step 1
Step 2
Have a go...
Step 3
First steps
Step 4
Cartoon showing a group of people looking at a trophy on a pillar.
An irregular shaped trophy on a glass pillar
Two people looking at a large glassw trophy in a garden.
Cartoon showing a group of people looking at a trophy on a pillar.
Step 5
Accuracy of AI
Step 6
AI portrays age
AI Projects ~
involving photography, design, AI and ultimately publishing.
Playing with Fyansford Pubs of Old
This series was used in making an eBook on Fyansford's public houses.
La Piazza Italiano
To many Aussie travellers the Italian piazza has unique memories.
I loved it at all times of the day ~ pre-dawn strolls, midday coffees , late afternoon gelati and after-dark drinks...
Highly mechanised machinary
Get Away!
Time to escape to my playroom
40° Celsius +
More than just a little warm...
Bring back memories...
Gentle smiles for all ages
Sorry, but one particular occupation caught my attention.
& then I thought about ~
My Artistic Abilities
Linear Creations
Scrap Sculpture
Mixed-media Sculptures
This morning's AI Fun-time
involved one simple prompt:~
Ornate Oriental vase with a gorgeous Asian Lily in the corner of an Asian palace
Ornate Oriental vase with a gorgeous Asian Lily in the corner of an Asian palace
The learning process can be quite challenging.
But, it is certainly interesting.
Playing with generational AI isn't as easy as some might suppose.
But, it is always amusing and challenging; well worth having a go at...
For a starting sentence such as this,
"a cat in fishing attire trying to catch a goldfish in a fishtank with a fishing rod",
I got a range of answers, some more useful than others.
To check out some of my earlier AI stuff see here...
This morning's AI Fun-time
involved multiple prompts:~
When was the last time you played with paint?
Plumbers playing with their favorite medium
Office Management ~ one perspective
Hey! What else is on this page?
But First!
There are different ways of classifying the types of AI, but one common system is based on the level of intelligence and capability of the AI systems. According to this system, there are four types of AI:
While AI is a term that refers to any system that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, Generative AI is a category of AI that can create new content based on the data it has learned from. For example, generative AI can produce realistic images, text, audio, and video that do not exist in reality.
Facial recognition is a computer vision technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to identify or verify a person from an image or video. It works by detecting facial features and matching them with a database of faces. There are different types of AI and ML algorithms used for facial recognition, such as deep neural networks (DNNs), which have improved the accuracy and performance of the technology.
AI is the backbone of smart assistants, which can be accessed through most phones on the market these days and are also being integrated into cars and smart home devices. As of 2022, more than 120 million U.S. adults use a smart assistant at least once a month.
Source: Microsoft Bing
Generative ai
with a little help from JFimages
My first interactions with AI at a personal level
I must have an image database comprising many thousands (perhaps millions of photographs) stored in the cloud, on hard drives and my PC.
Microsoft and Google have access to these images, and they can present almost on demand any specific groups of images; people, occasions and even categories of images (holidays, foods, locations, activities, routines...).
The following are collection samples that have appeared spontaneously on my smart devices. Some collations are accompanied by music (which sometimes leaves a little to be desired).
What nursery rhyme
am I thinking of?
Jack and Jill
Old King Cole
Jack and Jill
Which is which?
A series of challenges in which the viewer seek to identify which images are reaL and which are imposters (AI generated).
Fake or Fortune? is a popular BBC documentary television series starring Philip Mould and Fiona Bruce who examine the provenance and attribution of notable artworks with the aim of establishing which are genuine and which are imposters.
In “Which is which?”, a series of image-comparison challenges on my website < /today-s-ai-compilation>, I present a selection of AI generated images mixed with genuine photographs with the challenge being to identify which are the real photos and which are the pretenders.
Series one comprising five challenges dating from a while ago, and which I would have thought relatively easy with fewer options to compare, i.e. 1 or two imposters and one original Microsoft Bing desktop photo (a one-in-three chance of making the right choice)..
Series two comprising nine challenges dating from more recently, presents one Microsoft Bing desktop wallpaper photo with up to four AI generated images. This proved more difficult with a one-in-five chance of selecting the original photographic image.
Series three, the most recent, involves three or four of my own genuine photographs and one AI generated image. Now this, I think, would be easier. But, is it?
Series One
Which is the Ai image? (Only one is the Bing image)
Series Two
Final in the "Which" series...
(All but one of the last group are original JFimages.)
Series Three
Which is the real photo taken with my iPhone?
(Four images are AI generated)
Would the real Bing please stand up!
Aday in history
The British Art Society is abuzz with excitement since the discovery of a 17th Century engraving showing that day in 1869 when the olde London bridge fell down...
The British Art Society is abuzz with excitement since the discovery of a 17th Century engraving showing that day in 1869 when the olde London bridge fell down...
Open the door to the freedom of unlimited imagination...
Never thought I could fit so much into my little work-shed...
Oh, to wake up to a view like this...
Open the door to the freedom of unlimited imagination...
in the style of ....
I recently asked AI apps for an image of themselves, asking for:~
an elaborate AI machine with all the bells and whistles.
Mirror, Mirror
on the wall...
Hmmm! I just wanted to see how AI saw people of different ages...
Are there stereotypes?
The wall art could be better...
Street appeal is so important for any business
And in the workshop ~ Would you leave you car here?
The wall art could be better...
To check out some of my other AI stuff see here...
Just how good is AI?
Why AI is a good fit for me ...
Getting it together
Personal explorations with JFimages and AIassist
On days when time seems to stand still, when physical limitations are big restrictors or the weather is totally inhibiting, I retreat to my study to explore the world of imagination using my PC, photographs and Microsoft Copilot.
I select an obscure concept as a possible book title and see what floats to the surface.
From the ensuing flotsam, jetsam and miscellaneous detritus, my challenge is to create an e-book
of twenty 'interesting' pages for a readership of one.